Saint Seiya is a renowned Japanese manga and anime franchise created by Masami Kurumada. The series follows the adventures of a group of young warriors known as the Saints who are the champions of the Greek goddess Athena. With its rich mythology-inspired storyline, intense battles, and strong themes of friendship and justice, Saint Seiya has captivated fans worldwide for over three decades.
Rich mythology-inspired storyline
Intense battles
Strong themes of friendship and justice
Highly detailed action figures featuring characters from the Saint Seiya series. Made with quality materials and capturing the essence of the characters' iconic armor and weapons.
Collectible trading cards showcasing the various characters and their abilities. Fans can build their card decks and engage in strategic battles with friends.
Officially licensed clothing and accessories featuring designs inspired by the Saint Seiya series. Show off your love for the franchise with stylish and comfortable attire.
Beautifully illustrated artbooks that provide an in-depth look into the world of Saint Seiya. Discover concept art, character profiles, and behind-the-scenes insights.
Complete DVD box sets of the Saint Seiya anime series. Enjoy the full saga of battles and adventures with high-quality video and audio.
The main series includes 'Saint Seiya', 'Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas', 'Saint Seiya Omega', 'Saint Seiya: Soul of Gold', and 'Saint Seiya: Saintia Sho'. There are also several movies and spin-off OVAs.
Yes, the Saint Seiya action figures are fully poseable, allowing fans to recreate dynamic battle scenes and display them in various poses.
Yes, each trading card series provides a complete set, allowing fans to collect all the cards and expand their collection as new series are released.
Yes, the artbooks are often released in both Japanese and English versions, making them accessible to a wider audience.
The original Saint Seiya series consists of 114 episodes, while the subsequent series and OVAs have varying episode counts.